Saturday, August 23, 2014

Huge personality, Small kid.

My 3 1/2 month old is starting to really show his personality. He's a goof ball and I LOVE it. Weighing in at just over 13 pounds, he has the ability to totally tickle me senseless with his little grins, giggles and yes, raspberries.

He's also a prankster. Probably on accident, but maybe not. It never fails. I will change his diaper and then on the way back to our playing perch on the couch I will feel another wet one. And I'm not talking number one. My son loves to dirty his diapers, particularly if it's within two or three minutes of being changed.

I don't mind all that though. His little precious face is enough to make anything better right now. I love being a mommy, especially for this little boy. When he's not sleeping, he's steadily blowing raspberries and I can't capture enough pictures or videos of it. Maybe they just aren't the RIGHT pictures or videos. So I'm scouring the internet for free resources on photography. I came across a 12 week program that you download PDFs for. Interested?  There is the link Two Peas Photography Link

Shall we learn together?

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